2D electrical impedance tomography dataset

Andreas Hauptmann, Ville Kolehmainen, Nguyet Minh Mach, Tuomo Savolainen, Aku Seppänen and Samuli Siltanen

A picture of the measurement setting and a reconstruction from the measured data.

This is an open access electrical impedance tomography dataset. The EIT measurements were collected from a circular body (a flat tank filled with saline) with various choices of conductive and resistive inclusions.

The dataset consists of

  • current patterns and voltage measurements of a circular tank containing different targets, and
  • photos of the tank and targets.

Also MATLAB code for reading the data is provided.

The data is licensed under an open data license (CC BY 4.0) and it is hosted on Zenodo.

An informal documentation of data collection is available here as a video:

Documentation at arXiv:




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