Tomographic X-ray data of time-dependent 3D cross phantom

Salla Latva-Äijö, Alexander Meaney and Samuli Siltanen

The phantom in the preparation phase (left), the ready-made phantom on the sample holder (middle), and two examples of the resulting 2D projection images (right).

This is an open access dataset of measured tomographic X-ray data of a 3D cross phantom. The dataset consists of

  • the X-ray sinogram with 16 or 30 time frames (depending on the resolution) of 2D slices of the phantom, and
  • the static and dynamic measurement matrices modelling the linear operation of the X-ray transform.

Each of these sinograms was obtained from a measured 360-projection fan-beam sinogram by down-sampling and taking logarithms. The original (measured) sinogram is also provided in its original form and resolution.

The data is licenced under an open data licence (CC BY 4.0) and it is hosted on Zenodo.

Documentation at arXiv:


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